Whether you use our Coffee Coconut Scrub as a body scrub on a regular basis, as a face scrub a few times a week, a pre-shave scrub when your pins are a bit too forest-like or if you save it for a cellulite treatment, we all have our favourite uses. But here are some other genius ways to use your scrub that you probably haven't thought of!
Shine up your Hair

Lip scrub
We all get dry lips from time to time. Whether it's because we're sick and can't breathe through our nose properly, out in the elements too much and have some sunburn.....
Add a heaped teaspoon of Coffee Coconut Scrub to your palm and mix in a little water. Apply to your lips and scrub, using a circular motion for up to five minutes. Rinse and be prepared that you may be in demand for some kissing!
Please only use the weight of your fingers to exfoliate your lips, do not add extra pressure to the soft, delicate skin. The aim of this is to gently remove the top loose layer, not to loosen more.
Foot Scrub
That's right, treat those hoofs to a real spa treatment and exfoliate that skin! Even if you sit all day at the office, we use our feet constantly. Treat them to some kindness and get yourself a basin of warm water and soak your feet. Best used with our Bath and Foot Salts as this helps to soften the skin even further. Soak your feet for 10 minutes then, lifting one foot out of the tub, pour a small handful of Coffee Coconut Scrub into your hand and start rubbing in a circular motion on your foot, starting at one end and working your way to the other. Concentrate on your heel and any areas where your feet are feeling rough. Swap feet and luxuriate in the new found soft skin. Even better when you can rope someone else in to do this for you! Man, woman or child....this is worth a bribe, trust me!
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